Auto Transport
Attention to detail is everything.
Auto Transport
Attention to detail is everything.
Auto Transport Professionals
Your vehicle is safe with us! JT HOTSHOTTING is very experienced in the auto transport industry with having transported everything up to multi-million dollar vehicles. We have trailers ranging from open 53′ ramp trailers to flat decks and to enclosed car haulers so that we may accommodate your needs and budget. Depending on your preferences, we can offer scheduled car transport services at competitive rates or time sensitive deliveries utilizing our Hot Shot Trucking service. Additionally, JT HOTSHOTTING has a fully fenced, secured and paved yard that we use to store and consolidate vehicles before shipping.

Enclosed Car Transport
Do you own an exotic or high value vehicle which needs to be shipped by itself, enclosed and protected from the outside elements? We have the solution! Our beautiful 24′ Haulmark enclosed car trailer is fully geared to transport even the lowest of automobiles. We use 131″ long Race Ramps to lower the ramp approach angle down to a mere 3.8 degrees, allowing us to load even the lowest of cars and race cars. Inside, the trailer is equipped with 3 rows of E-Track per side which provide soft tie (strapping over the tire) vehicle securing solutions for narrow and wide autos alike.
Open Vehicle Transport
Looking for an option to ship multiple vehicles at competitive and cost effective rates? JT HOTSHOTTING uses a 53′ Take 3 ramp trailer that has the capacity to load up to 4 cars or 3 full size trucks. This setup utilizes a soft-tie system for vehicle securement which entails a 3-point strapping method over the tires of the car or truck. Triple 7,000 lbs axles enable the trailer to be able to haul even heavy 3-ton trucks and a centralized winching system gives us the option to even load vehicles that aren’t running or operational.
Our well trained professionals will ensure that your precious automobile gets transported safely and with care using our specially designed car trailers and tie-down equipment. We are car enthusiasts too so we understand that it is NOT just a car!

Auto Transport Professionals
Your vehicle is safe with us! JT HOTSHOTTING is very experienced in the auto transport industry with having transported everything up to multi-million dollar vehicles. We have trailers ranging from open 53′ ramp trailers to flat decks and to enclosed car haulers so that we may accommodate your needs and budget. Depending on your preferences, we can offer scheduled car transport services at competitive rates or time sensitive deliveries utilizing our Hot Shot Trucking service. Additionally, JT HOTSHOTTING has a fully fenced, secured and paved yard that we use to store and consolidate vehicles before shipping.

Enclosed Car Transport
Do you own an exotic or high value vehicle which needs to be shipped by itself, enclosed and protected from the outside elements? We have the solution! Our beautiful 24′ Haulmark enclosed car trailer is fully geared to transport even the lowest of automobiles. We use 131″ long Race Ramps to lower the ramp approach angle down to a mere 3.8 degrees, allowing us to load even the lowest of cars and race cars. Inside, the trailer is equipped with 3 rows of E-Track per side which provide soft tie (strapping over the tire) vehicle securing solutions for narrow and wide autos alike.

Open Vehicle Transport
Looking for an option to ship multiple vehicles at competitive and cost effective rates? JT HOTSHOTTING uses a 53′ Take 3 ramp trailer that has the capacity to load up to 4 cars or 3 full size trucks. This setup utilizes a soft-tie system for vehicle securement which entails a 3-point strapping method over the tires of the car or truck. Triple 7,000 lbs axles enable the trailer to be able to haul even heavy 3-ton trucks and a centralized winching system gives us the option to even load vehicles that aren’t running or operational.
Our well trained professionals will ensure that your precious automobile gets transported safely and with care using our specially designed car trailers and tie-down equipment. We are car enthusiasts too so we understand that it is NOT just a car!