Company Profile
Company Profile
In 2006, JT HOTSHOTTING was founded in Richmond, BC to provide a simple yet hard to find service for companies which have on-demand shipping needs. This is called “Hot Shot Trucking” and is a just-in-time service which provides businesses with a reliable channel to get their cargo shipped immediately. In fact, JT HOTSHOTTING revolutionized hot shot trucking to what it is today. Before, it was just simply “pick-up trucking” with no real attention paid to timeliness.
JT HOTSHOTTING’s operational premise is simple and so is our slogan – “Exceeding Expectations”. We don’t just aim to meet your expectations, we aim to exceed them. Our priority is to go above and beyond the call of duty when transporting the cargo of our clients. We understand that downtime drastically effects the bottom line of businesses and that is why we take great pride in providing our dedicated transport solutions for time-sensitive cargo.
Starting out with just one truck and one trailer, JT HOTSHOTTING definitely had its work cut out. Through years of hard work, completing rush (hot shot) deliveries to natural resource mines, gas plants, lumber mills and the oil fields, our name gradually spread by word of mouth as being the most reliable hot shot company in Canada. When our clients receive human-to-human personalized email updates every 2 hours during the transportation phase on the status of the shipment and a 100% on-time delivery guarantee or you do not pay policy, our reputation naturally heads in a positive direction. From servicing only the western provinces in Canada, we now service all of continental Canada and the continental United States of America.
Our fleet now consists of 15 trucks and 15 trailers after 12 years of steady growth. By popular demand, we have branched out from our hot shot trucking service into transporting boats, automobiles, trailers and recreational vehicles (RV’s).
JT HOTSHOTTING is a family owned business and no matter how large our company profile grows, you can be assured that personalized service will always be given. As time goes by, we are working hard to expand our operations further across Canada. Right now, we currently have our operations based out of Prince George BC, Calgary AB, Edmonton AB, Regina SK, Winnipeg MB and our head office based in Richmond BC. What sets us apart from the rest is that we dispatch upon receiving an order no matter what time it is – evenings, weekends or even holidays – truly 24/7/365.