Tiny Home Transport
We Transport All Types Of Tiny Homes.
Tiny Home Transport
We Transport All Types Of Tiny Homes.
Professional Tiny Home Transport Services
For many folks these days tiny homes are becoming a popular way to embark on a minimalist and cost effective way of living. Eco-conscious purchasers eager to start their new life in their tiny house may not have the means nor the know-how to proceed with moving their new tiny home to its forever home. Quite often the term “tiny” doesn’t even apply to these homes on wheels. This is where JT HOTSHOTTING comes into focus and can help complete your experience with unparalleled professionalism and ease.

Tiny House Shipping Is Our Niche!
As the title says, we’ve picked up on tiny house transport in a big way. In fact, JT HOTSHOTTING was involved in tiny home shipping before tiny homes were even well known and popular. We’ve made it one of our core services and have trucks specifically outfitted for transporting tiny houses. Not to mention we have our own pilot cars to escort over-width tiny homes.
We’re able to move your tiny house anywhere from across town to across the country or even to the United States. Let our tiny home shipping service ease the process of acquiring your new home and settling into it. JT HOTSHOTTING is fully insured and can ship door-to-door using our transporter plates.
Tiny House Transport Preparation
JT HOTSHOTTING can inform you of what you’ll need to do in order for us to safely transport your tiny home. If you’re tiny home manufacturer hasn’t already done so, you’ll need to be aware of securing things like cabinets and doors or strapping down large appliances.

We Transport All Types Of Tiny Homes
It’s true, some tiny homes really are tiny! Usually starting at 28ft in length, a standard 8ft wide and weighing 10,000 lbs all that is required for towing is a 1 ton truck with a Class 4 or Class 5 receiver hitch and equipped with an electric trailer brake controller.
However other tiny houses can scale all the way up to 50ft in length, 14ft wide, be over legal height restrictions and weight up to 25,000 lbs. We transport these as well using our specially outfitted highway tractors with pintle hitches. Or if your tiny house is a gooseneck style trailer we also have special low profile gooseneck hitch trucks. Our crew consists of experienced drivers who can get these types of moves done safely and on schedule. Our specialists will also arrange for any necessary permits, pilot cars and markings on your oversized tiny house depending on regulations of the route we are taking. Trust the experts at JTHOTSHOTTING to haul your oversized tiny home.
Most tiny houses come built on a trailer however others require a flat deck trailer for transport. We also have the necessary trailers for this requirement. Contact JT HOTSHOTTING today to discuss your tiny home transport options and put our experienced professionals to work for you!
Professional Tiny Home Transport Services
For many folks these days tiny homes are becoming a popular way to embark on a minimalist and cost effective way of living. Eco-conscious purchasers eager to start their new life in their tiny house may not have the means nor the know-how to proceed with moving their new tiny home to its forever home. Quite often the term “tiny” doesn’t even apply to these homes on wheels. This is where JT HOTSHOTTING comes into focus and can help complete your experience with unparalleled professionalism and ease.

Tiny House Shipping Is Our Niche!
As the title says, we’ve picked up on tiny house transport in a big way. In fact, JT HOTSHOTTING was involved in tiny home shipping before tiny homes were even well known and popular. We’ve made it one of our core services and have trucks specifically outfitted for transporting tiny houses. Not to mention we have our own pilot cars to escort over-width tiny homes.
We’re able to move your tiny house anywhere from across town to across the country or even to the United States. Let our tiny home shipping service ease the process of acquiring your new home and settling into it. JT HOTSHOTTING is fully insured and can ship door-to-door using our transporter plates.

Tiny House Transport Preparation
JT HOTSHOTTING can inform you of what you’ll need to do in order for us to safely transport your tiny home. If you’re tiny home manufacturer hasn’t already done so, you’ll need to be aware of securing things like cabinets and doors or strapping down large appliances.

We Transport All Types Of Tiny Homes
It’s true, some tiny homes really are tiny! Usually starting at 28ft in length, a standard 8ft wide and weighing 10,000 lbs all that is required for towing is a 1 ton truck with a Class 4 or Class 5 receiver hitch and equipped with an electric trailer brake controller.
However other tiny houses can scale all the way up to 50ft in length, 14ft wide, be over legal height restrictions and weight up to 25,000 lbs. We transport these as well using our specially outfitted highway tractors with pintle hitches. Or if your tiny house is a gooseneck style trailer we also have special low profile gooseneck hitch trucks. Our crew consists of experienced drivers who can get these types of moves done safely and on schedule. Our specialists will also arrange for any necessary permits, pilot cars and markings on your oversized tiny house depending on regulations of the route we are taking. Trust the experts at JT HOTSHOTTING to haul your oversized tiny home.
Most tiny houses come built on a trailer however others require a flat deck trailer for transport. We also have the necessary trailers for this requirement. Contact JT HOTSHOTTING today to discuss your tiny home transport options and put our experienced professionals to work for you!