Trailer & RV Transport
One call hauls them all.
Trailer & RV Transport
One call hauls them all.
Whether it’s RV transport or general trailer transport, we’ve got you covered. We transport everything from fifth wheel trailers, gooseneck trailers, pintle hitch trailers, tag trailers and park models.
RV Transport Pros
We realize that RV trailers and campers come in many different shapes, sizes and weights. JT HOTSHOTTING is fully geared for RV transport and trailer transport of all types. We have every hitch available on our trucks but if you would rather have your trailer flat decked, we offer that as well. Choose JT HOTSHOTTING as your next trailer mover!
Power Only
We also provide trailer transport services for construction, cargo, dry van and flat deck trailers. We cover all hitch types (ball, pintle, fifth wheel, gooseneck) and all brake types (electric, electric over hydraulic, hydraulic and air brakes)

Whether it’s RV transport or general trailer transport, we’ve got you covered. We transport everything from fifth wheel trailers, gooseneck trailers, pintle hitch trailers, tag trailers and park models.
RV Transport Pros
We realize that RV trailers and campers come in many different shapes, sizes and weights. JT HOTSHOTTING is fully geared for RV transport and trailer transport of all types. We have every hitch available on our trucks but if you would rather have your trailer flat decked, we offer that as well. Choose JT HOTSHOTTING as your next trailer mover!
Power Only
We also provide trailer transport services for construction, cargo, dry van and flat deck trailers. We cover all hitch types (ball, pintle, fifth wheel, gooseneck) and all brake types (electric, electric over hydraulic, hydraulic and air brakes)